I'm going to do one more post to recap our whole Disney vacation, but before I do that, let me take a moment to give an update of where I'm at and what I'm doing as I'm sure you are all (well all of you who read this for me and not for the Disney stories) are wondering.
We're 6 weeks into the new year now, and while I'm not blowing the doors off, I'm still feeling pretty strong. One of the areas of discipline that I've always struggled with is the restart. If something ever popped up that stopped my progress, it would usually be very difficult for me to get back started again. I faced such a hurdle over the last couple of weeks and it seems that I've been able to get back on track.
I'd been averaging 9-10 miles a week through the first few weeks of the year. At the end of January, I had to do some unexpected travel and while I was able to maintain through that travel, when I got home there were some struggles. My wife got sick for a couple of days, then one of my daughters got sick. This forced me to skip a few morning workouts and I barely got 5 miles in that week. Then I got sick. I tried to run on the weekend and barely finished. I didn't get running again for a whole week. Here's where in the past I would falter. Its always difficult to get started again. It hurts, your body needs to get used to it again and who wants to hurt? But, this time I did it. Yea, the first couple of workouts were difficult, but I forced my way through it and made sure to get right back into my regular routine.
Last week I ran 11 miles, my biggest weekly total yet. I know its not a huge amount, but considering where I was this time last year, I'll take it happily. I have my eyes set on a few races coming up this spring and of course I still want to do the Peachtree, so I'm really looking forward to a great spring time. Right now I need to continue my discipline in keeping my schedule and I have to do better with my nutrition.
Yesterday I went to the inaugural meeting of a pipe club we're forming in the area. We've decided to name ourselves the Lanier Smokers Pipe Club, as most of us live in communities that are close to Lake Lanier, and it sounded better than the North Georgia Pipe Club. For me it was pretty neat, as it was the first time I'd ever smoked my pipe with someone else also smoking pipes. There were a half dozen of us there, sharing different tobaccos, talking about different pipes and pipe makers and getting to know each other. We're going to continue to meet each month and I think it will be a lot of fun.
Congrats on being selected for The Peachtree! This will be my first Peachtree Road race as well. I only got into running as a means to an end a couple of years ago, and I am S-L-O-W but I came to enjoy it. I did the Rock n Roll half in Savannah back in November, but I imagine 6.2 in Atlanta in July might be more difficult than 13.1 in Savannah in November! We'll see. Best of Luck to you!